Barbori Participated in the Miss Calgary 2017 Pageant on May 14!

Barbori was happy to be a contestant in the Miss Calgary 2017 pageant on Sunday, May 14! She had fun meeting and getting to know the other contestants and participating in the pageant. Thank you to Patti Falconer of Patti Falconer Agencies and Connie Harvey for hosting the pageant and thank you to all of the judges for their time as well as to Delmar […]

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Show Your Company Some Love

As Valentine’s Day was earlier this week, we thought that it would be fitting to write a post on showing your company some love, too. How can you do that? Below are some suggestions for places that might need a check-in to see if the current strategy is working or if changes need to be made: 1) Review your Marketing Strategy: Is your current marketing […]

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Selecting a Public Relations Agency

If your company or organization is thinking about hiring an agency to assist in Public Relations, Communications or Social Media tasks and goals, consider the following things as you decide which agency to hire: 1) Does the agency reply to your inquiry and provide information within a few days? This is an important indication of how easy communication with the agency will be going forward. […]

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Start the New Year Right by Learning to Play a Musical Instrument

The beginning of a New Year is a great time to start learning a new skill or hobby. Learning something new increases your confidence in being able to master a skill by putting in the time to practice and perfect the skill. BG Mountain Studio invites you to start learning to play the violin or piano in 2017 in Calgary. We have lesson times available […]

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Social Media Goals

Today is the start of a new school year for many students and with it comes new goals. With that in mind, what are the Social Media goals for your non-profit or company? Is it 40 new Facebook likes in September and 200 new Facebook likes by the end of the year? How about Social Media goals for more Instagram, Pinterest, or Twitter followers and […]

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Photos from BG Mountain Studio Events

It has been a little while since our last post. Here are two photos BG Mountain Studio would like to share with you:

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

BG Mountain Studio would like to wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Season’s Greetings to everyone! May your Christmas and holiday be a time of relaxation and reflection and wishing everyone all of their dreams and wishes come true in the New Year 2015!

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‘Words and Pictures’ Movie Synopsis

This is the first movie synopsis that I have posted on my blog! I am excited to choose a movie that includes writing and art which is what BG Mountain Studio is all about: writing and music (which is art!). If you would like to recommend a movie that I should review or post a synopsis of, please let me know. ‘Words and Pictures’ is […]

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Olympic Inspiration

With the 2014 Winter Olympics about to draw to a close, it can feel as if all the inspiration, joys, and reaching of goals and dreams will come to a close with the Olympics, too. But that is not the case and does not have to happen. Let the Olympians inspire you even after the Olympics! Olympians set goals of what they want to achieve […]

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