Writing Workout! Summer 2017 Camps for Kids

This summer, give your pre-teen a week of fun and creativity in writing! Throughout the week, campers will have the chance to diversify and build on their writing skills through fun games, challenging exercises and outdoor activities. Weeks Available: – July 3 to 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – July 17 to 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – July 31 to […]

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‘Words and Pictures’ Movie Synopsis

This is the first movie synopsis that I have posted on my blog! I am excited to choose a movie that includes writing and art which is what BG Mountain Studio is all about: writing and music (which is art!). If you would like to recommend a movie that I should review or post a synopsis of, please let me know. ‘Words and Pictures’ is […]

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Photos from Festival of Health & Wellness

BG Mountain Studio was at the Festival of Health & Wellness, sharing a booth with Sunny Bay Arts, on March 8th. It was a successful show! Thank you to those who signed up for the e-newsletter and violin and creative writing classes! Here are a few photos from the show:

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